Monday 1 December 2014

6 months to go

We are around 6 months away from the UK election and none of us seem to know what the outcome will be. 

Labour have dropped recently in the polls due to the media's onslaught of Ed Miliband, The Conservatives remain steady in the 30's, UKIP have reached as high as 18% and the Liberal Democrats are struggling to match the Green Party.

Going into this election there are 2 UKIP MP's; Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless only one of whom I think will hold onto his seat.

It's a strange situation in the UK. In Scotland, the SNP are flying high. In parts of England, UKIP are breaking records, in Wales, Labour and the Tories are almost neck and neck and in Northern Ireland Sinn Fein and the DUP seem to be embarking on some sort of civil war over talks regarding flags etc.

The only "stable" part of the UK seems to be Wales! Scotland is arguably heading left, England right and Wales sticking to the two traditional parties.

I think 2015 will be extremely interesting.

Unfortunately I think David Cameron will remain Prime Minister due to his renegotiation promise on the European Union.

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