Monday 1 December 2014

A UK Republic?

During the Scottish referendum campaign, many Scottish republicans came out in favour of independence. I can understand where they are coming from in a way but replacing The Queen with a President doesn't make much sense to me.

Who on earth could the UK put forward to be a President? 

There are some questions over Royal finances and secrecies that I'm unhappy about but the same would be the case with a President in charge - it may end up hereditary!

Alex Salmond made sure that an independent Scotland would keep the Monarchy as to not sway towards to far left republicans from Northern Ireland.

The UK isn't perfect but I like the idea of electing a Prime Minister (but not David Cameron) and think for Britain to scrap the monarchy would be the end of a historic albeit sometimes brutal tradition.

We in the UK don't have a lot in common with our past, maybe the Monarchy is something we should keep for traditions sake.

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