Monday 1 December 2014

Gordon Brown to stand down

I was a fan of Gordon Brown and in many ways still am. I thought he was a Prime Minister of substance, but as well all know now, substance isn't what matters in British politics any more.

He certainly made mistakes but nothing like what our current Prime Minister has done. 

The ITV / BBC debates looked to be out of Gordon's comfort zone as Nick Clegg performed best. 

I wish Gordon Brown all the best. The awful media onslaught he faced back in 2010 in the run up to the election was sickening. I seem to remember one paper (possibly the Daily Mail) with the headline "Blame Brown".

Why should anyone care if he smiles? Why should anybody care if he isn't confident on camera? I voted Labour because of their policies in 2010 - policies which I believe would have helped this recovery more than the Coalition's economic reforms.

Good luck Gordon.

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