Monday 1 December 2014

Drug legalisation

The push for legalization of drugs (weed in particular) is a popular concept on the left. I guess it has something to do with the liberal idea that "it's not your business what I do". Well, to a certain extent it is.

Psychiatric units are seeing an increasing number of patients being admitted with psychotic symptoms, often thanks to teenage use of the drug.

Peter Hitchens wrote this book about the UK's lax drug laws which I highly recommend even if you are not a great fan of him.

Not only do I have first hand experience of the drug, I have seen what it does to other people. When I left my hometown to attend University 200 miles away I studied for 3 years, keeping in touch with old friends from school via social networking.

When I returned home it was like they were completely different people (well, most of them anyway). I guess weed affects people in different ways but 4 or 5 good friends seemed like zombies and had absolutely no sense of humour at all.

There are many reasons why people take drugs: anxiety, peer pressure, boredom or even just enjoyment! I do not dismiss addiction the way Hitchens does but I do think people often take drugs knowing fine well that they will get off with it. I know for sure when I tried it at a young age, the Police finding out was of no concern to me whatsoever. 

Cautions are useless, we need stricter penalties, which up until now haven't been tested. 

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