Monday 1 December 2014

December polls (UK)

Monday's polling round up from here shows that Labour are still ahead in 3 out 4 polls. Like usual, the media frenzy surrounding Ed Miliband's leadership seems to have had little effect. Although his popularity remains low (particularly in Scotland), the polls show that Labour are still set to be just 1 seat off a majority.

I think there is an appetite for change in the UK. Labour have finally got their act together and are producing policies that people want to see, while the Tories continue to look after their friends in the city of London.

74% of people think that the House of Lords should be fully or partially elected, this is another great possible vote winner for Labour.

My ballot has been sent off for the Scottish Labour leadership and I await the result with hope that finally, we can have a leader who is able to challenge the many failings of the Scottish Government. 

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