Tuesday 2 December 2014

The SNP don't have the right to call another referendum

If the Scottish National Party (SNP) continue to gain support in the run up to the 2015 General election it could may mean disaster for Scottish Labour.

Some polls are so extreme that, if true would mean the SNP would win all but 2 seats in Scotland. What then?

Scotland would have Nationalist representation at Westminster but surely the referendum was "settled for a generation", then why is Sturgeon asking for new powers for the Scottish Government to be able to call a referendum.

We voted to stay in the United Kingdom - it was a democratic choice the people of Scotland made. Referendums aren't cheap and they cause instability that's why I'd prefer not to have a referendum on the European Union.

If the SNP do succeed in May 2015 they may hold the balance of power and that would surely mean the end of the union. 

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